Thursday, January 29, 2009

Lazy Thursday

Yesterday I went to the mall with Tiffany and her kids. We walked and shopped. It was a lot of fun. When I got home I laid on the couch to get the swelling in my legs to go down. We had dinner and then I went to bed at around 10. Although I went to bed I woke up at 3 and couldn't go back to sleep. So I came out and got on the couch and fell back asleep around 4:45 or so. So today I am just hanging out here. I am watching TV and doing things around the house. Baby is moving a lot but still isn't ready to make his grand entrance. I guess this is probably a good thing because my mom, dad, and brother are passing around the stomach virus. So I really do not want them up here with that. We have enough people up here passing around the stomach virus that we don't need to add more. Hope everyone is having a great week. Stay healthy and safe! Get ready for a fun Sunday!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Doctors Visit

Just got home from my doctors visit. Of course it took Jackson a while to cooperate while I was on the monitor. He likes to move away to where we can't find his heartbeat for a while. Finally he stayed still long enough for them to see that he was ok. Everything is still looking the same. No progress from what I understand. The doctor tried to tell if I have dilated any farther but he was unable to. I don't know why he couldn't but he said if I was about to go into labor then the cervix would be a lot farther forward than it is. So no baby today. I don't know when he is going to come. So until then I am back to the waiting game. I am going to walk around some more tonight. They can tell that he is coming down just not ready to come out yet. Hope you are all staying safe and having a good day.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Lazy Monday

Today I did well. I was really tired this morning so I ended up taking a nap. Unfortunately I had a sick puppy today. He threw up twice today so I had to clean up after him and make sure he was feeling ok. I also cleaned some in the house just so that I would be up walking. I am determined to walk until this baby decides to come out. Other than that I am doing well. I go to the doctor in the morning for my weekly visit. I will update everyone on what goes on with that. Hope everyone is having a great week. Be safe if you have weather issues where you are.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I am excited. I got to go to church and homegroup today. It was great. I haven't been to homegroup since the beginning of December and church since the last week in December. It was great to be able to see everyone again. Today has been a good day. I feel good and Jackson has been moving all around. There isn't much else to say today. I am actually really tired right now and think it is time to go to bed. Just thought that I would write a little update to say how excited I was to go to church today. Oh also at homegroup we had a lot of fun. I watched everyone play rockband. I have never seen it played before. Justin played a little with them. It was great! It was good to be able to hang out with everyone. Hope everyone had a great weekend! I will be here just waiting on Jackson to come. My doctors appt this week is on Tuesday so hopefully I will have more news then. Have a great week!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


hello everyone. Sorry I meant to post yesterday and didn't get around to it. I actually got to get out of the house yesterday. It was great. I went with Eryn and Allyah (a friend from church and her daughter) to the mall and we walked around and had lunch. It was great getting out of the house for once. Although after I got home I laid on the couch because me legs were swollen and I was really tired. Going to the mall was more than I had done in the last 2 weeks combined. I went to bed at like 830 and woke up this morning at 7 but didnt get up till 1030 when Zack wouldn't let me sleep anymore. It felt great. I really needed the sleep. Today I got out and went with Justin to walmart because we had no food in the house. It is a lot colder today than it was yesterday. I think that our high today is in the teens if that high. So we went out and came home. We are watching the Chronicles of Narnia. It is a good movie I just think that I probably should have seen the first one before seeing the second one. Justin has had to explain most of the movie to me. Other than that we are just sitting around waiting on Jackson to make his debut. Hopefully it will be soon because I am getting very uncomfortable. Justin is feeling better which is good because he is now having to help me off the couch. :) Hope everyone is having a good weekend!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

No more Bedrest!!

Yes you read that right. I am no longer on bedrest. I am far enough along that it doesn't matter if he comes now or not. They told me that I could go back to work but not the 12 hour shifts. I told them that I don't feel like I can go back because I am having difficulty walking around because he is so low right now. They agreed and put me on leave for the remainder of the pregnancy. So now I can go to church, shopping, or whatever I want! YAY!! Now it really is just a waiting game for him to get here. So we will finish getting his stuff together and wait for him to make his arrival. I still go to the OB every week until he is born. I am hoping this week he will make his arrival but am not holding my breath. So that is what is new today. Oh other than the fact that Justin is home working cause he isn't feeling well. He needs to get better so that he isn't sick when Jackson does decide to arrive. Hope everyone has a great day!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Busy day

Well today was a typical day after a night at the hospital in terms of how I felt. I was exhausted and had to pee all the time. I am sure that had nothing to do with the fact that they ran a liter and a half of fluids into me yesterday. I did have to get up this morning and take Justin to work because I had a Drs apptointment and I needed the car. His car still has a spare tire on it so he couldn't drive it very far. So I took him to work then came back home and took a nap cause I had a really bad headache. I got up and went to the pulmonologist today. They were happy because my pulmonary function test was actually better than it was last month. I can only assume that is because the baby is starting to drop and give my lungs more room. So they are basically done with me because I am doing good. That was good to hear. So now I am only being followed by the regular OBs. I go back to them tomorrow. I don't know why they need me tomorrow since I saw them last night but I will definitely go because I have questions...Like when is this kid going to come. Other than that I am good. We put the deposit down on daycare so he will have a place to go while I get sleep after work. And Justin is now getting his car fixed so that we will have both cars functioning again. Hope everyone is having a great week. I will let you know what the OB says tomorrow! Have a great night!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hospital Visit #2

Yes you read that right. I have gone to the hospital yet again with contractions 5 min apart and not dilating so I got fluids and they sent me home. I am back home and still having contractions. They would not give me any medicine to stop them this time. Isn't that nice of them. So on top of no meds they blew my vein putting my IV in and my wrist swelled up. So I am now having contractions and a very sore and swollen left wrist. It is funny though, I had the same nurse that I had last week and when she was discharging me she said that she didn't know what to say cause I am doing everything that I am supposed to be doing and nothing that I shouldn't be. So since she couldn't think of what to say I just told her that I would see her next week, since it looks like I am making a weekly thing of this. So that has been my night and I am getting ready to go back to bed because I am tired and maybe if I lay down the contractions will go away. Hope everyone has had a better night than me. I am so ready for this kid to come...he needs to come soon before I go crazy with daily contractions that arn't doing anything!!

Oh Jackson Mearse was able to come home. He is still sick but not sick enough that he has to be in the hospital. Thank you for your prayers.

Monday, January 19, 2009

36 weeks Finally!

Sorry I didn't post this weekend or earlier today but I have actually had people home with me so I haven't been on the computer. Justin has been home with me since Friday. He worked from home on Friday because I wasn't feeling well. Then on Saturday we watched movies most of the day. It was actually relaxing. Oh and of course took a nap. I am getting really good at those and enjoying them while I still can. Sunday we stayed home and watched football. I am ready to be able to go back to church but haven't been cleared by the doctors so Justin won't let me go till they say it is ok. He is doing a good job keeping me doing what I am supposed to although we are both getting impatient and want Jackson to get here. So basically that was my weekend. Today we are 36 weeks which means that is a big relief off of my shoulders. At 36 weeks 90% of babies lungs are mature. So that makes me feel better and he can just come whenever he is ready which I hope is soon. Also today I had several friends come over and hang out with me. I have such wonderful friends here. It is great. One friend from work and one from work with her little girl. It was a great time. I love having company and so did Zack. He wouldn't let them stop playing with him which is not normal for him with people that he is not used to being around. That is a good thing for us. It means that he will be ok no matter who comes over to let him out when we go to the hospital till our parents can get here and take care of him. Oh well Just thought that I would update everyone and let yall know that we are both doing well and Justin is hanging in there. He is a little tired after taking care of me and Jackson and working and making dinner. He is being a good husband! Well have a great night!

Oh also we have a baby at church who was born last month, his name is also Jackson. Please keep him in your prayers. He was in the NICU for at least a week after he was born then got to come home right after Christmas. He was just readmitted to the hospital last week with RSV. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. Their last name is Mearse. Thank you!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Last ultrasound!

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I was recovering from false labor. I really hope that it doesn't happen again. That was definitely not fun. But today we had our last level 2 ultrasound. We are now done with the high risk doctors. Jackson is now weighing in at 6lbs 5oz and he is measuring a week and a day big. So we are really hoping (at least I am) that he comes soon and doesn't get too big for me. We were unable to see how my cervix was because his head is already really low so I don't know if it has changed any yet. Today has been an ok day. I am really glad that Justin worked from home today. I have been having back pain all day. Although I have only had 2 or 3 contractions today that I could feel. It has been a good day altogether though even with the pain. We are just preparing for him to come. Oh we actually hit positive degrees today!! not for very long but we did go a little above zero. Of course it now is back to negative. It was so cold yesterday and today that schools let out because it was too dangerous for kids to stand at the bus stops. We are under a wind chill warning not to stay out too long because frostbite can set in very quickly. So needless to say I have stayed in the house!! Hope everyone is doing well.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hospital Visit #1

Well I just got home from our first hospital visit. Once I got home from the doctor I started having contractions that were irregular but not that bad. Then they started getting stronger but weren't painful. The only problem was the stronger they got the harder it was for me to breathe. So Justin came home and we headed to the hospital. On the way to the hospital they were 5 min apart and stayed that was for total of 3 hours. At the hospital they checked me and I still wasn't any more dilated than I was at the doctors office. So they gave me 1 liter of fluids and it did slow down the contractions somewhat but didn't stop them and actually made them stronger. So they checked me 2 hours later and I still had not dilated even after all the contractions so I was officially in false labor. So they gave me a shot of Terbutaline and the contractions stopped. So I got to come back home. I don't know how much longer Jackson will stay. He seems very anxious to come out. So that has been our night. I am headed to bed. I have visitors coming tomorrow!! Our parents are anxiously awaiting the call to come here. We thought it might be tonight but nope. I will keep you updated on any further changes.

35 week Drs Appt

Hello Everyone. Well today was my doctors appt. The blizzard that we were supposed to get yesterday we got today and it took me 2 hours to get to my appt. Well once I got there I was put on the monitor as usual and he actually cooperated. (I bet it had nothing to do with the sweet tea and orange juice I drank before the appt. Don't worry they told me to) Well the doctor checked me and now I am 3, almost 4, centimeters dilated and was told IF I am pregnant next week to come back. They sent me back home to bedrest and not to the hospital which suprised me. So I am home laying back on the couch and not going anywhere unless I get uncomfortable or my water breaks. We called our parents and told them to go ahead and pack their suitcases cause the doctors said I will go early. The doctors don't seem that worried about it. I am mainly worried about his lungs being mature enough. I know that God is taking care of him and he will be here when God is ready for him to make his grand arrival. We just hope that it isn't during a blizzard. :) So I will just be here monitoring my contractions and laying around. Looks like we will have a January baby instead of a February baby. We will keep everyone updated as things change.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Well last night we were supposed to get a blizzard. It did snow but I don't think it was a blizzard although I was not out in it. I was not asleep either. I made the mistake of taking a nap yesterday so I couldn't fall asleep till 2 this morning and Jackson was up and kicking the whole time. He likes moving around and sticking his butt and hip out my right side. :) So today we are just sitting here watching TV and waiting on the doctors appt tomorrow. I hope we get good news tomorrow. I will definitely update everyone with the results from tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a great day. The pictures are of our balcony. It isn't all snow from last night but it is all from the last week plus last night and we are supposed to get more.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hello Everyone!

Hi! We started this website to be able to keep everyone updated on what is going on with me and Jackson. Right now we are 35 weeks along and he is growing and kicking a lot. If you haven't heard I am on bed rest because apparently Jackson was trying to come early. I have been on bed rest since Wednesday Jan 7th and will find out this coming Wednesday if I am still on bed rest. So basically I am just sitting around and Justin is working and taking care of me. We have another ultrasound on Friday so I will be able to let you know how big he is. At 31 weeks he was measuring 4lbs 10oz. He is going to be a big boy. So far everything is going well. I will try to post daily what has been going on and how things are coming. Just for now I am sitting around watching TV and doing whatever I can to keep me busy while sitting on the couch.