Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Well my birthday has come and gone. I really didn't get to do much. Yesterday was my first night back at work. I did a lot better than expected. I cried before I left when I was telling Jackson good-bye but after that I didn't cry. Now there might be a good reason for that. Monday night we went to Red Lobster to have a nice night out for my last night of freedom and for my birthday. So we get there and Jackson has been good all day running errands with me. Then we go to eat and he cries the entire time. I change him and feed him and he still cries. So while I was doing that Justin ate his food by himself then Justin would walk around and get him to calm down while I was eating. Needless to say it was not a fun night. I cried the whole way home. Think it was more a combination of being tired, not wanting to mess up everyone else's dinner, not being able to get him to stop crying, and knowing that I had to go back to work the next night. So I ended up getting a lot of my crying done the night before. So Tuesday, Jackson was really good and let me get a nap. Well we actually took a 3 hour nap together on the couch. Then I went to work. It wasn't a bad night. Then Jackson went for his first day at daycare. They said that he did great. His teacher loves him. He is the youngest there. All the other kids are crawling or walking so they like seeing a little one again. He was up from 10-2 while he was at daycare. Justin went and picked him up and brought him home on his lunch break so that I could sleep a little more after my first night. When Jackson got home I fed him and he went to sleep. I put him down in his little chair then laid on the couch and took a nap with him. Then I went back to work. So basically my birthday consisted of getting off work, sleeping, feeding Jackson, sleeping, and going back to work. Not a whole lot of fun but what can you do about it? We are going to try to go out again while Justin's sister is here to keep Jackson. So that is about all the updates for now. Hope everyone is doing well. Sorry there are no pictures on this one but I am not on my computer to be able to add them. Hopefully next time.

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